
  Heather S. Huston began a lifelong journey into the Healing Arts at the age of 17 in Eugene,OR. She trained under psychic Gunter Benz for two years learning the art of Chakra reading and basic Energy Work. She received her Massage Practitioner License from the state of Oregon in 1992. Her practice for the next ten years combined her knowledge of body & energy work;  all fields of alternative medicine & holistic wellness. She has taught classes  in Developing  Psychic Abilities for adults and home-schooled teens, and has now given clairvoyant/clairaudient/empathic readings for 21 years,  specializing in working with the chakras and  focusing towards individualized life & spiritual counseling and all physical issues.

  In other parts of her life she plays Artist as a  photographer, writer, traveler and spends her time with her family and two amazing dogs.